header picture Cybersecurity Innovation and Development Funding Programme (LU-CID-2024-01) Strengthening Cybersecurity Innovation in Luxembourg

The Ministry of the Economy, in close cooperation with the National Cybersecurity Competence Centre (NC3) - in its capacity as the National Coordination Centre (NCC-LU) - and with the support of Luxinnovation, is launching the first call for projects under the new funding scheme known as the Cybersecurity Innovation & Development Funding Programme (LU-CID-FP). This call for funding is co-financed by the European Union under the Digital Europe Programme. This initiative aims to bolster the development and adoption of cybersecurity innovations by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups within Luxembourg. Successful applications to this call will be funded through the Research & Development funding scheme managed by the Ministry of Economy.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

This call is designed to encourage the creation of both technical and non-technical cybersecurity solutions, increase the availability of affordable cybersecurity assessment tools and services, support the establishment of cybersecurity services with sustainable business models, and enhance the cybersecurity skills of SMEs.

Available Funding & Schedule

Available Funding: The total budget for this call is EUR 720,000, with individual projects eligible for a maximum grant of EUR 60,000. Funding will cover up to 80% of the total project costs for micro and small companies, and up to 70% for medium-sized companies.


Phase Dates
Open call 15.05.2024 - 15.07.2024
Projects evaluation / submission of eligible projects via MyGuichet 16.07.2024 - 30.09.2024
Instruction by the Ministry of the Economy 01.10.2024 - 15.11.2024
Projects running time 18.11.2024 - 15.05.2025
Reporting 16.05.2025 - 16.06.2025

Project Duration: Projects must not exceed a duration of 6 months.

Application Process

  1. Initial Submission: Project proposals should be sent to NC3 at funding [at] nc3.lu for a technical review and a due diligence check by Luxinnovation.
  2. Official Filing: Upon NC3's approval, the formal application should be submitted and finalized on the MyGuichet platform through an Application for aid for research and development projects.

Required Documents for the application:

Proposals should include a completed project description, a financial summary, and other mandatory documentation as specified in the General Application Template.

Submission Deadline:

All proposals must be submitted by July 15, 2024, 23:59 CET.

Further Information and Resources

For more details and guidance on the funding areas, the application process and eligibility criteria, please download the information that you can find here below.

  1. Call Document
  2. Application Guidelines
  3. General Application Template
  4. Replay of the Information Session - June 2024

For additional support or inquiries, please contact NC3 directly at funding [at] nc3.lu