
In Brief

By ‘Assets’, we mean goods or services which are valuable for the company. Assets have some vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by threats that will have impacts on the company. To protect those assets, the company should take some security measures. These are selected during the risk management phase.

Two types of assets could be distinguished:

Primary Assets

Primary assets are business processes as well as information related to the company. Each primary asset has a certain criticality for the company. That is we have some business processes which are more or less important, whereas some other where integrity has a more important part than confidentiality (surveying office), and so on. It pertains to information as well. Some of them are really important, while others are not. Confidentiality is more important than availability regarding certain pieces of information.

The risk analysis is calculated with the criticality of primary assets. Support assets which are necessary to achieve business process inherit the criticality assigned to primary assets.

Support Assets

EBIOSv2 gives us a categorisation of entities and support assets of seven different types:

  1. MAT: Hardware

  2. LOG: Software

  3. RES: Network

  4. PER: Personnel

  5. PHY: Infrastructure

  6. ORG: Organisation

  7. SYS: System


‘Hardware’ consists of all physical elements of an information system (SME: See the threats to hardware).


‘Software’ consists of all the programs contributing to the operation of a data processing set (SME: See the threats to software).


‘Network’ consists of all telecommunication devices to interconnect several physically remote computers or components of an information system.


‘Personnel’ consists of all the groups of persons involved in the information system (SME: See the threats to human resources).


‘Organisation’ describes the organisational framework, consisting of all the personnel structures assigned to a task and the procedures controlling these structures.


‘Site’ comprises all the places containing the system, or part of the system, and the physical means required for it to operate (SME: See the threats to the infrastructure).


‘System’ consists of all specific facilities linked to information technologies, with a specific objective and operational environment. It is composed of various entities belonging to other types described above.