
Vulnerabilities are all the flaws in corporate assets that could be exploited by threats, with the aim of compromising them. This exploitation can cause significant impacts. New vulnerabilities are regularly discovered.

It is possible to gather vulnerabilities together into a number of families.

Human vulnerabilities

Human vulnerabilities essentially derive from feelings, behaviours and instincts that have helped humans survive since time immemorial. Unfortunately, these behaviours are so intrinsically linked to human nature that they are very often exploited in various social engineering type scams and attacks. Because of this, we talk about vulnerabilities within the context of data security. (SMEs: [See Threats to people)

Among these vulnerabilities are:

Technical vulnerabilities

This family of vulnerabilities by far the most fluid – it includes all vulnerabilities relating to the use of technology or solutions (hardware, software). Many people actively seek out vulnerabilities, and new flaws appear on a daily basis. (SMEs: see Threats to hardware and Threats to software)

These would include:

Physical vulnerabilities

This family includes all vulnerabilities relating to unforeseeable events such as breakdowns, accidents or even intentional damage to hardware.

It is in response to this family of vulnerabilities that we will analyse all the physical characteristics of a company, including access to the building, computer rooms and equipment, and we will also talk about a “Continuity Plan”. (SMEs: see Threats to infrastructure)

These would include: