Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Assessment, Testing & Training
Testing Platform

Optimize Your Information Security

  • For organizations handling sensitive information and personal data
  • To identify and address risks, protect customer trust.
  • Through a comprehensive risk report with suggested solutions


Conduct initial security tests on key infrastructures

The testing platform holds the tools and services that will help organisations to perform basic tests on their most commonly exposed infrastructures, starting with email and web servers.
More tools will be added through time to increase the coverage of available tests.

Why such a Platform?

Prioritize immediate security investments

When implementing a security strategy, one of the core issues is to identify priorities. Budgets are not infinite. Choices have to be made. A fair amount of guidance can be drawn from the traditional risk assessment exercises, but this often leads to abstract decision-making. In particular, how to identify security issues that require immediate investment.

The goal of the NC3 Testing Platform is to make it possible to uncover actual security issues in a practical way. It does not intend to be comprehensive, but aim at helping to reduce the surface of exposure by identifying commonly exploited issues.

Testin Platform

What is the NC3 Testing Platform?

NC3 automated and collaborative security tools

The NC3 offers a set of tools designed to help organizations identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities in their systems. Some of these tools require collaboration with security companies within the Luxembourg Cybersecurity Ecosystem, which have partnered with the NC3. Other tools are semi-automated and operated directly by the NC3.

Who can benefit from the Testing Platform?

Register for access to testing services

You have to be an organisation based in Luxembourg in order to access the Testing Platform.

If you wish to register, you can follow this link. You'll fill a simple form and then be able to chose which services you want to benefit from.

Unless you register for a Pro or Business membership through your profile page, some services won't be accessible.